Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Beginnings and Endings

I don't officially go back until the 24th, but I'm already starting to feel a little busy getting ready for the new school year.  I took advantage of the sale at TeachersPayTeachers.com so I'm seeing some printing, cutting, laminating and cutting again in my near future!

All of this downloading and seeing all of the things that others have made has inspired me to go through some the things I've previously created and found one of my favorite things.  A speech therapy diploma!  As we all know our kids work just as hard as we do and deserve the recognition.

I usually print these out on the resume paper I purchased at the end of graduate school that will likely never be used again now that everything is done online.  The kids love it!  I've been a little disappointed when I've had kids not react at all to their diplomas when they receive it, and been surprised later with a parent call or teacher email to tell me about how it was put up on the bedroom wall or didn't leave the desk for the rest of the school day.

I thought that this would be a great way to start the new school year!  Some kids do make surprising progress over the summer and we can all use smaller caseloads so here's one for positive thinking!  Grab the Google doc here! 

1 comment:

  1. I allows users to verify both the common English language and specialty terms simultaneously.speech recognition software
